The Esoteric and Occult Cabinet
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Hello and welcome,
My original name is Asther.
Some call me a witch, but my magic is older, it is an eternal and universal Philosophy, the origin of which is lost in the darkness of the ages. It is the mother because distortions and diversions of the teachings of the Master, of all religions and beliefs.
This magic is called the Great Art or the Sacred Art. I am, would be and was initiated, disciple and priestess.
Here are the active principles of true truth without certain and very true lies, of the Great Sacred Art.
Extract from the Kybalion written by 3 Initiates.
“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Reason. » “Under the footsteps of the Master the ears of those who are ready to understand his doctrine are opened wide. » “When the ears of the elEve are ready to hear, it is then that the lips come to fill them with Wisdom. » “The principles of truth are seven in number; he who knows them and understands them has the magic key which will open all the Doors of the Temple before even touching them. » “The All is Spirit; the Universe is Mental. » “What is Above is like what is Below; what is Below is like what is Above. » “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. » “Everything is Double; everything has poles; everything has two extremes; similar and dissimilar have the same meaning; the opposite poles have an identical nature but different degrees; the extremes touch; all truths are only half-truths; all paradoxes can be reconciled. » . “Everything flows, inside and out; everything has its duration; everything evolves then degenerates; the swing of the pendulum manifests itself in everything; the measurement of its oscillation to the right is similar to the measurement of its oscillation to the left; the rhythm is constant. » “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to the Law; Luck is only a name given to the little-known Law; there are many planes of causality, but nothing escapes the Law,” “There is a genus in all things; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests itself on all levels. » “Spirit, like metals and elements, can pass from one state to another state, from one degree to another, from one condition to another, from one pole to another pole , from one vibration to another vibration. True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art. » “Behind the Universe of Time and Space always hides the Substantial Reality, the Fundamental Truth. » “What is the Fundamental Truth, the Substantial Reality, has no need of a special name, but Enlightened Men call it The All. »
Find all our Esoteric and Occult Curiosities available for sale in our
Below are some of our Artifacts
All handcrafted, lovingly and above all hermetically for our care
the Teachings of the Master section in creation
Talismans and Pentacles section under creation
Our Intention Candles or Ritual Candles
An intention candle is made to help you find within yourself the inspiration, the will and the energy to realize your wishes. It allows you to channel and increase your energy strength. Intention is the foundation of all rituals. The intention candle is a support for energy transmission towards the subtle. It amplifies and supports the power of your intention.
All our candles are made by hand in our workshop.
They are made with 100% vegetable wax, European Rapeseed.
The plants included come 99% from the harvest from our plantations or from local picking. LThe remaining 1%, those that cannot be cultivated for climatic reasons, are organic and come from fair trade farming.
Charge your candle with good energies and seal the ritual with your intention: Wrap the candle in your hands and visualize the energy like an aura moving along your arm towards the candle. Or Breathe your energy into the candle. Visualize your breath enveloping the candle and infusing itself within it. You can also recite a small incantation. Light your candle and begin your ritual. Once the flame is lit, focus your thoughts and intentions on this flame in order to truly embody this spell and help it take the direction you desire. Be very precise, realistic and use positive language, in the present tense and without negations. Once finished, do not extinguish the flame with your breath. Let the candle burn down to the end or extinguish it with a snuffer or your damp fingers. Above all, don't forget to thank the elements, the gods, the Great Everything...
Be careful, place the candle in a fire-resistant container; when it burns, the plants contained and the salt may ignite and crackle.

Our Smudge Sticks
All our fumigation sticks are made by hand, by hand, by us.
They are made withc plants 99% of which are harvested from our plantations or harvested locally. The remaining 1%, those that cannot be cultivated for climatic reasonses, is organic and comes from fair trade farming. Each stick is unique.
Their manufacturing process took place over several months, following the rhythm of the seasons and nature.
A fumigation stick is a bouquet of dried plants or flowers assembled with intention using a natural string that is burned so that its smoke permeates a place, a room, our body or our mind. The vapors are then charged with the virtues of the plants. It can have several uses: cleaning a place, a deck of cards (oracles, tarot cards), crystals or even interior purification. They can also be used before a meditation session. They allow you to clean the space, rebalance your energies and discharge the negative energies accumulated on a daily basis.
Use and Safety Tips
In a ventilated room, using a match or the flame of a candle, light the end of the fumigation stick, the plants will crackle slightly and turn red. Then, gently blow or wave it in the air to extinguish the flame.
Hold your Smudge stick over a cup.
Set your intention, what do you want this ritual to bring you?
Two options are available to you:
• Move around and spread the smoke in the areas you want to purify.
• Place it in a dish, the fumigation stick will burn slowly on its own.
After a few minutes of use, the fumigation stick turns itself off. If not, gently dab the tip in water. Wait until it is completely dry for next use.
Warning: Do not leave your lit fumigation bouquet unattended, be vigilant throughout its use until it is completely extinguished.
Our Witch Bottles - Spell Jar
All our Spell Jars are handcrafted, by hand, by us.
They are made with plants that are 99% harvested from our plantations or harvested locally. The remaining 1%, those that cannot be cultivated for climatic reasons, are organic and come from fair trade agriculture. Each vial is unique.
Their manufacturing process took place over several months, following the rhythm of the seasons and nature, between picking and drying.
A witch's bottle or spell jar or magic vial is a small glass container in which "magical" ingredients are placed to transform a simple pot into a concrete representation of a spell.
Although the principle of spell jars is very simple, this tool allows all those who practice magic; or positive visualization to materialize their intentions.
Through the ingredients that you place in this container, it is your thoughts and desires that you bring together in order to better formulate your intention and make your dreams come true.
Witches' bottles are an ancient form of folk magic that dates back to the Middle Ages. These vials were mainly used to ward off the evil eye or evil spirits.
Nowadays, spell jars are no longer just used for protection purposes but have a much wider range of uses. According to fans of this method, these little magic vials are very versatile. They have the power to attract love, luck or success according to the law of attraction.
Whether or not you practice magic and witchcraft that are just words, you can use them as positive visualization tools to focus your attention on your goals and bring your dreams to life. These vials are based on the same principle as visualization boards.

Can be used in several ways at your convenience:
For the activer: hold it in your hands to imbue it with your energy by visualizing your intention.
Meditate on your intention, cast your spell
You can also call for help from spirits, forces, deities, what, who, you believe.
But be careful, do not open the doors of your Aura, inner self (which I call Blue Cold Fire) to just anyone, the world of the invisible can be very dangerous.So whatever spirits are called, the better you know them, the better the spell.
Use your intuition because the spells we make ourselves are always more effective.
Complete your spell
Then, you can bury it, hide it, throw it in water, keep it with you (in a small bag, or in your purse), keep it at home, keep it on your altar or take it apart. What you choose depends on what you are trying to accomplishfold.
If you are looking for permanent protection or to break or repel a curse, bury it. This will serve as a sentinel over your property and protect you (or the property of the person you cast the spell for). If you don't have land, you can bury it in an earthen flowerpot left at your door.
You want your pot to be a sort of magnet to continue attracting things to you (attention, love, health, success, wealth, etc.). Bury it on your property or on the property of the person concerned. Or leave it on your Altar.
You are trying to get rid of something (or a person) or a bad habit, bury the jar at a crossroads, don't look back and if possible never return to the scene.
Disassemble the pot if the power of the spell is no longer needed and you want the effects to stop. To dismantle the spell, remove its contents and bury them at a crossroads or empty the contents into running water, clean the container, purify it, and do as you wish.

Our Protective Black Salt with St. John’s Wort
Le Black Salt strengthens energetic purification and protects the home, wards off the evil eye, prevents residual energies from stagnating, preserves negative emotions during difficult periods or events, reinforces the power of defense and banishing rituals, helps to repel what is negative for oneself, helps to reject and banish (toxic person, addiction, bad habit).
It can be used in several ways, at your convenience. You can scatter a thin line of them along the front door or driveway.at home, offer it to a loved one to protect them, leave it on the altar so that it diffuses its energies. Use salt in a banishing ritual or to reinforce the power of protective talismans. You can also add it to your ritual candles by heating them slightly and rolling them in a little salt. (be careful with salt, they can crackle).