About the Artists
Entropium of the hairy stone artist artisan of art creator cabinet of creations and curiosities Prémery Nièvre morvan 58 France
When Art and Artistic Crafts mingle.

On one side, Sylvie Camier, Painter - Portraitist and Visual Artist, with a predilection for oil painting, figurative, symbolism, mysticism with a hint of "DarkArt". A jack of all trades who paints, sculpts, models, engraves...and customizes furniture, objects and bones.
On the other, Julien Maudrait, Artisan, Visual Artist. Jeweler of the Forgotten Stones, Jeweler of the Fallen Stones. A jack of all trades who sculpts, models, embosses and sews leather, works with wood, iron and anything that falls into his hands.
Their association gave birth to a whole Bazaar of creations, a Bazaar of curiosities imbued with the universes they love such as those of Tim Burton, Stephen King, J.K Rowling, J.R.R Tolkien,....... And the soup of cabbage!

Particularly fond of the old, nature, and eco-responsible orientation, Sylvie and Julien favor natural materials and recycling.
Visiting L’entropium of the hairy Stone is an absolute change of scenery guaranteed!
Their common love for the soul of old stones, for nature, its beauty so pure, so simple and delicate magic, led them to the Mill of Fourneau in Premery where they are rebuilting for your pleasure their Entropium of the Hairy Stone.
Good visit!
Entropium of the Hairy Stone meaning?
The term Entropy, originating from a Greek word meaning "transformation", characterizes the degree of disorganization or unpredictability of the information content of a system. Creation being transformation, we decided to name our Artistic Lair, The Entropium of the Hairy (for Sylvie's brushes) Stone (for Julien).
Guest Artists
In this section, we will present to you through our favorites, the creations of artists invited to the Entropium of the Hairy Stone, virtually and subsequently also physically.